Setelah ikutan aktif di program PTC Idr-clickit sejak September 2010, sekarang mulai kelihatan hasilnya. Hmmmm..lumayan untuk nambah2 uang bensin....kalo Pay out pertama dulu Rp 26.000 maka pay out yg ke 2 ini bagi saya cukup besar....sejumlah 102 ribu...klo mo liat screeshoot bisa klik dsini. Mungkin ada yang bertanya kenapa jaraknya jauh banget antara PO#1 dengan PO#2 mas....hal ini karena hasil klik yang didapatkan adalah diputer lagi untuk memperbesar jumlah referral sewa..karena modalnya yg kecil banget, modal saya dulu sekitar 350.000 itupun tidak langsung 350 ribu....tapi sedikit demi sedikit...alias bertahap..shingga hasil yang didapat dipake nambah referral sewa.
Terbukti sudah sekarang bahwa idr-clickit tidak scam. Jadi bagi anda yang tertarik untuk dapat duit dari klik iklan kenapa tidak gabung dengan idr-clickit.
Kalau anda berminat silakan daftar disini gratis!!!!
Saya siap mendampingi anda jika menemui kesulitan dalam program PTC idr-clickit
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Pay Out #2 dari Idr-clickit
Diposting oleh
Setyo Bekti Santoso
6:24 PM
Monday, November 8, 2010
Nyoba IKUTAN PTC yang legit yuks.....
Beberapa bulan yang lalu hasil dari browsing, saya ketemu sebuah program yang menarik untuk kita coba. Program tersebut dinamai PTC ( paid to click )yang bernama idr-clickit sebuah program yang menarik, bagaimana tidak kita cuma klik iklan yang tampil maka kita akan mendapatkan bayaran sejumlah tertentu. Dulu pernah ikutan program seperti ini tapi hasilnya adalah scam/ hoax alias penipuan semata. Tapi untuk PTC yang satu ini saya yakin ini bukan penipuan karena saya telah dapat pembayarannya. Syaratnya gampang..cuma ada koneksi internet dan mau klik iklan tiap hari....dan ada rekening bank mandiri ato bank BCA ato punya rekening paypal. Kalo anda tertarik silakan daftar disini.
Gambar banner diatas adalah bukti pendapatan saya. mohon maaf masih kecil ya.....
Besok akan saya lanjut dengan cara bermain PTC idr-clickit biar profit...tunggu ya..
Diposting oleh
Setyo Bekti Santoso
8:54 PM
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Cameron Diaz, the most dangerous woman
TEMPO Interactive, New York - She may be full of laughter is known for her appearance but is ready to kill, but now film star Cameron Diaz, 37 years, has become the most dangerous celebrity on the Internet.
Artist starring film "Knight and Day" is now occupying the top position in the list of most dangerous celebrities to search for in the "online" (in network), above Julia Roberts - who are in second position, for a computer security company McAfee.Inc. The artist's most dangerous year ago, Jessica Biel, slipped to third position.
One of the 10 pages featuring Cameron Diaz networks that contain "malicious software" that can infect computers and steal user data, according to research issued by McAfee.
This virus makers know, the artist has always been a big magnet that attract internet users. They create a program with the artist's name so that internet users download a file that looks harmless. In fact, yag downloadable software designed to steal keywords and other information private for profit, said Dave Marcus, security research director at McAfee Labs.
"They know people want to have a screensaver` `a famous person. They follow a variety of hot topics in networking and creating content that they are not intentionally poisoned," said Dave. They also spread the virus through social networks like Twitter.
Supermodel Gisele Bundchen became the fourth artist in the list, followed by Brad Pitt, one of two men who were listed in the top 10 positions.
"Brad Pitt is historically one of the most dangerous artist to look for," said Dave. "He's always there."
Former Victoria `s Secret model Adriana Lima was in sixth position, followed by Jennifer Love-Hewitt and Nicole Kidman, who was perched at the seventh position.
Tom Cruise fill the eighth place, and Heidi Klum and Penelope Cruz's ninth position. Anna Paquin, the star of hit television series "True Blood", to close ranks with the locking position 10.
McAfee found the 6 million unique pieces of new malicious programs were created. "60 000 pieces per day. That number is very much a nuisance," he said.
The study utilizes the process of making McAfee SiteAdvisor ratings to trace the source of the risk of celebrity content on the network, and use the results to calculate the percentage of risk.
Here are the names of artists who are dangerous for download:
1. Cameron Diaz
2. Julia Roberts
3. Jessica Biel
4. Gisele Bundchen
5. Brad Pitt
6. Adriana Lima (Victoria's Secret model)
7. Jennifer Love Hewitt & Nicole Kidman
8. Tom Cruise
9. Heidi Klum and Penelope Cruz
10. Anna Paquin (True Blood stars)
Diposting oleh
Setyo Bekti Santoso
2:59 PM
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Back to school, look for new kids stuff
School holiday season has finished. Students should go back to school and start learning again. For the children back to school means buying new school equipment. Things that often make parents confuse to spend their time looking for items to school. Technological progress is helpfully for parents looking for school purposes for children, schools and preschool or kindergarten. We can choose and buy online. One of the tools that many schools look for is a nap mat and the kids backpacks.
Nap mat is the perfect choice for teenagers and toddlers, sleeping mats overlaid Mint and coated with nylon and cotton with a neat ribbon, soft, fluffy blanket. It rolls up and has a Velcro closure with carrying strap. Has a soft fleece blanket attached and foam pillows date. To clean, remove the child and pillows, and throw into the wash machine. Perfect for child care, kindergarten or preschool.
For kids backpack can also be purchased online, by clicking the link. there you can find many choices kids backpacks. various collections of child backpack is to customize your desired style.
Mint toddler backpacks measure 8” x 11” and are constructed of sturdy nylon for long life. We are using the Cadet backpack for our 4-month old's overnight to grandma’s bag.
Need something a little larger? The Stephen Joseph backpacks measure 14” x 12”. Medium sized Mint backpacks for older children in the same fabrics are available here.
After find your kids stuff, we recommend you to blog walking at dallas sod
Diposting oleh
Setyo Bekti Santoso
1:56 PM
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Keong Racun yang meracuni
Keong racun......yah....udah beberapa minggu ini kata kata ini nongol dalam top pencarian yahoo search....terus terang aja...semula saya bingung apa sih keong racun ..apa sebangsa keong yang beracun..atokah...apa....semula gak ngeh...tapi akhirnya setelah aku coba klik....lho kok...ternyata di yahoo search banyak banget pencarian keyword ini...akhirnya aku tau deh....kalo keong racun itu adalah lagu dangdut yang dinyanyiin lipsynch oleh abg bandung ( shinta dan jojo ) dengan gaya mereka yang lugu...dengan lenggak lenggoknya. Gaya yang orisinil inilah mungkin yang menjadi daya tarik dari video ini, kalo menurut aku sih ya....gak ada yang istimewa dari video keong racun ini kok...kalo lagunya sih Nilai positif yang bisa kita ambil dari tenarnya video keong racun adalah kreatifitasnya mengupload ke youtube walau sebenarnya itu tidak bertujuan untuk mencari ketenaran. Video keong racun ini ternyata ngetop banget di twitter lho.
Untuk para pembaca sekalian yang penasaran silakan liat penampilan shinta dan jojo yang menghebohkan itu di youtube.
Diposting oleh
Setyo Bekti Santoso
6:40 PM